Sunday, December 7, 2008

Word of the day.

I have decided to do a "Word of the Day" with the help of Merriam-Webster on-line. I'm going to try and post a word everyday with my posts and for each post I will use the word at least once. I thought of this idea the other day. I have tried to learn new words several times in the past but am never successful because I forget how to pronounce it throughout the day or just forget the word completely. Maybe by writing it out I'll be more dedicated. I feel with age my brain is going to pot. Not really, but it will help to keep my vocabulary strong.
So... lets begin.

-used to express disbelief, disappointment, or a strong dislike for something.

What a strong word. Right now I am not strongly disappointed in anything so phooey to really using this word in an expressive story.

There, there was my little blurp.


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