Wednesday, July 15, 2009

To Mine

There is a person in my life that deserves overdue acknowledgment. I wanted to shout it from a mountain but my blog is the next best thing so here it goes.

He is my little blessing that God has so graciously aloud me to enjoy. He encourages me with his gentle words and calm demeanor. His perspective thinking is like none other and from that he has helped me to grow as a more diverse woman. His creative abilities as a musician is nuts. I know you all don't hear what I hear but he is SO good on the guitar. He would say otherwise but don't let him convince you of that;) His stamina to practice EVERYDAY is very impressive. I don't even exercise everyday. Let alone walk the dog. He is passionate + determined!!!!! He learns quickly and works hard. He opens up with everything he has and loves with all he's got. He's a friend you can count on + a brother who will pray for you. He is my husband and I am proud to call him mine.

I love you babo
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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