Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yes I haven't blogged in a week. What's wrong with me???? I wish I had more time to blog every day but then there would be no time for we to even relax or think. Seriously- I'm that busy.

However I am looking forward to fathers day weekend. The Furst family is going on a canoe trip on Saturday. Weather report-- 84 degrees. I pray I get a nice tan!!!! It should be a fun time.

Sunday afternoon I have an afternoon mother/daughter photo shoot. Again its suppose to be lovely weather.

A little update on Juice. We had another puppy training class yesterday. He did REALLY well. He listened and was pretty much the top of his class. I am a proud mommy. When we got home I showed Chris what he learned and after about a half a bag of treats and bouncing off the couch he inevitably threw up. Lucky me! So riddle me this....lots of training requires many treats but he throws up the treats. Hmmmmm? At any rate he's doing well. We also got a crate and I trained him to go in and sit down and wait for his treat. What a cutie pie!

Anyways.... Back to work folks.

Is it Friday Fun Night yet????????

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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