Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Weekend update.

I was blessed with another 4 day weekend. Lucky me! My Mom was in town for a few days so I took Monday off and we eat at Nelson's Deli. What a super cute Deli. I wish I had my camera on me because it was so uniquely designed inside. I love new places to eat. We meet Chris there and then went to Como Park to eat our sandwiches. After lunch we drove down to Minneapolis and walked Lake Calhoun with Juice. Juice was a hit! He loves to greet everyone that walks by with just a stare as if to say, "Hello pet me please- I'm cute!" He's such a ham. I took him down to the lake too for a little dip and he seemed to like that.

Back up a few days and on Saturday, Abbey amd I had a Fantastic shoot with Dave and Elizabeth. My camera is night and day awesome from the other camera I have been using. I'm so grateful for it. I'm getting a editing program on Wednesday from my friend Abbey and then I'll post my pictures up from the shoot. I can hardly wait for you to see them. Tonight my friend Sara and I are going shopping for her session on Saturday. We are on the hunt for a cute sun dress and some props.

It's another busy week with no time to think. Oh well... thank God for busydays, creative thoughts + ideas.



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