Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't hate.

I know I know... I haven't blogged in such a long time. While I did post the other day but that was just photos. I suppose I'm going to loose my readers if I don't post something interesting soon. Don't leave me.

I have been non-stop busy bee. When you have a house under daily construction, a dog that is interested in everything, a cat that is a loner, housework that needs to be done and not to mention photos to be taken and edited there isn't much time to take just to blog about the madness.

This weekend is again busy busy busy... FFN consists of getting my hair cut + color (HALLELUJAH!!!) while Chris is off on the boat with is brother cruising it up on the lake. So fun! After my hair appt I need to rush like mad and get things done because tomorrow because a very special boy has a very special GOLDEN birthday!!!! (...Chris) Hopefully he'll stay out real late tonight so I can get errands ran.

Sunday I have an over due photo shoot for my profile on my blog. The coffee cup shot just isn't cutting it anymore. LAMO! I'm pretty excited about that. Stay tuned for the awesome results!

That's my weekend so I'm out! Have a lovely weekend yourself.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Furst Canoe Trip

What a grand ol' canoe trip we had. We canoed down the St. Croix taking us about 3 hours. My choice of sun tan lotion was "the water" and boy oh boy I was excited to get my tan on!!!! That I did. Three hours later I was looking mighty crispy! I can't wait for it to turn to tan.

Here are a few pictures from our adventures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the kids.

Enough said.

They are the cutest- most craziest pair.

Love them!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yes I haven't blogged in a week. What's wrong with me???? I wish I had more time to blog every day but then there would be no time for we to even relax or think. Seriously- I'm that busy.

However I am looking forward to fathers day weekend. The Furst family is going on a canoe trip on Saturday. Weather report-- 84 degrees. I pray I get a nice tan!!!! It should be a fun time.

Sunday afternoon I have an afternoon mother/daughter photo shoot. Again its suppose to be lovely weather.

A little update on Juice. We had another puppy training class yesterday. He did REALLY well. He listened and was pretty much the top of his class. I am a proud mommy. When we got home I showed Chris what he learned and after about a half a bag of treats and bouncing off the couch he inevitably threw up. Lucky me! So riddle me this....lots of training requires many treats but he throws up the treats. Hmmmmm? At any rate he's doing well. We also got a crate and I trained him to go in and sit down and wait for his treat. What a cutie pie!

Anyways.... Back to work folks.

Is it Friday Fun Night yet????????

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Report

Well it’s Monday so I guess I better give the weekend report.

FFN was down hill in the beginning by definitely picked up quickly. We met up with my brother and sister-in-law to head over to Forest Lake- Running Aces Horse Track. I love the horse races. Chris thinks I’m crazy or I’m trying to be someone I’m not because I don't ever go. But I just don’t go to them enough because I have to drive 45mins to an hour to watch them. Same thing with stock car races… love it! Chris thinks its lamo. Anyways...went to the races and keep in mind that this place is SO small compared to Canterbury in Shakopee. LOVE Canterbury!
We get there and it is free to enter and then if you want you purchase a program to bet for $2. We skipped on the program. We are pretty much starving and wanted some good food. All they had was a “canteen” type stand with hamburgers and hot dogs. WHAT? We made our decision right there and decided we were going to get out of there and eat somewhere else. That somewhere else was Bonfire Axles in Lino Lakes. I thought it was real yummy. Chris and I shared a yummy Margherita pizza. During dinner we decided that we’d go to a movie “The Hangover”. I know I know… I’m a sinner =) It was really funny though. OH OH I forgot to add that I totally smoked Elizabeth in battle of the air drums competition. Better luck next time E!

Saturday was rainy. I was supposed to have had a photo session with Sara but we ended up canceling. In the morning I helped out an older lady clean her clean house. I’m serious the house is clean already. It’s a fun time because she will buy muffins and we’ll sit and chat for 15-20mins and drink coffee before we start cleaning. What a terrific lady.

Sunday we did the church thang! I know the parents are thrilled about that =) Then we had a delicious roast at the in-laws house. Sunday afternoon I did the photo session with Sara. Check that out! Then ended the evening with doing laundry and cleaning up with Chris.

All in all it was a fun weekend that should have continued into Monday =)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Photo session

Just real quick because I have no time these days to blog... I have posted my Saturday session on my photography blog. Check it out!

It was a success!!!

Happy Friday :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Weekend update.

I was blessed with another 4 day weekend. Lucky me! My Mom was in town for a few days so I took Monday off and we eat at Nelson's Deli. What a super cute Deli. I wish I had my camera on me because it was so uniquely designed inside. I love new places to eat. We meet Chris there and then went to Como Park to eat our sandwiches. After lunch we drove down to Minneapolis and walked Lake Calhoun with Juice. Juice was a hit! He loves to greet everyone that walks by with just a stare as if to say, "Hello pet me please- I'm cute!" He's such a ham. I took him down to the lake too for a little dip and he seemed to like that.

Back up a few days and on Saturday, Abbey amd I had a Fantastic shoot with Dave and Elizabeth. My camera is night and day awesome from the other camera I have been using. I'm so grateful for it. I'm getting a editing program on Wednesday from my friend Abbey and then I'll post my pictures up from the shoot. I can hardly wait for you to see them. Tonight my friend Sara and I are going shopping for her session on Saturday. We are on the hunt for a cute sun dress and some props.

It's another busy week with no time to think. Oh well... thank God for busydays, creative thoughts + ideas.
