Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Juice is on the Loose!!!

Mr. Juice man. It's so funny how people make up "other" names for their dog. We call Juice..Buddy man, Juicer, Juice man, poo poo pants, stinky-butt, cutie-pie.... That's just the way it is.
I've delayed in putting up the pictures of my oh so sweet puppy. A little update on him. He is doing surprisingly well with potty training. Last night was the 3rd night we've had him and he hasn't peed in his carrier yet (during the night that is). He always barks or whines when he needs to go outside. It's totally awesome. God knew that Chris + I couldn't handle anything but this level of neediness. YAY for us! Chris is also doing VERY well with him too. This morning he was teaching Juice to sit. It was a semi-success. It was a start! Yesterday was his first vet appointment. I swear our vet is the dog whisperer Cesar Millan. He looks, talks and acts just like him. It's very entertaining.
All in all Juice is a great dog + a great little buddy for Mr. Orange. I'll have to take some pics of them to together this week. A little secret... we catch Mr. Orange cuddling with Juice the first day we had Juice. As soon as Orange saw us he bolted off the pillow they were on as if he didn't want us to see them together. ha ha!

Come on over!!!!

I'm inviting you to come check it out!!!! If you are interested in getting into a recipe exchange group come over to THE RECIPE EXCHANGE
Spring is here + now is the time to dust off that cook book, zip into that sexy apron + get cooking gOod!!!!

Let's get do this!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, April 25, 2009

check it out!

I finally posted wedding photos on my other blog. So check it out!!!


It's time.

Okay ladies it's time to unite and help a fellow lady out. Here is your time to shine!

I confess that I am no special delight in the kitchen. It blows my mind the women out there that work 8 hours, cook, clean, take care of the kiddos and love on their husbands (yes I said it!). How do you do it??? I first and foremost need help in the kitchen. I need recipes for dinners. Also what is your secret to making then EVERY NIGHT? Do you prepare the night before? Or do you grin and bare it?

Here are the dinners I currently make (or pop in the oven). Prepare yourself because they are SCARY and I am no Rachel Ray.

-Frozen Pizza
-Baked Chicken (no season-- gross I know. well sometimes I use season...Italian bread crumbs) with veggie + maybe potato if we have it. I'm not really a fan of eating potatoes all the time.
-Spaghetti w/bread + maybe broccoli.
-Grilled Pork Chop
-Egg + Cheese sandwiches w/bacon (maybe)

...and the vicious cycle continues

Can I bake a meal? Yes! Can I cook a meal? Not really, unless it's a recipe.

Help ladies, help!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

He said it....

I've been wanting a canon 40D for sometime and have told chris about them but I don't think he understands which cameras are good and so on. Well god blessed chris by working with a few hobby photographers in his office. Thank you lord for that!!! So the other day he calls me up all excited because he was talking with these photographers about used canon 405D's on B + H PHOTO. Chris proceeds to tell me that I've got to get one next month. I of course didn't disagree!!!! I'm hoping for mid- may to make the big purchase. Hip hip hooray for new cameras!!!!!! Hip hip hooray for giving husbands... I love him so much!!! ( And NOT because he buys me things)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

I love love love love love
Doublemint Gum

I bought a 3 pack of Doublemint Gum on Monday and the entire pack is G-O-N-E! You'd think I would have sever TMJ by now. I pop gum in my mouth like it's going out of style. stress reliever. Heres the computer doesn't necessarily work as fast at I would like it to and I find myself becoming very on edge. Doublemint gum is just so easy on the teeth and the mouth that I just chew + chew + chew + chew + chew... all day. The funny thing is is that when I throw my trash out it never ever smells bad. I think I'm the only person with garbage that smells good. Is that weird?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Red Box movies

Is there anyone out there that gets red box movies??? What are your thoughts + opinions about it???

More than a week ago I rented a red box movie and............ Yes, I still have the movie in my possession. I'm probably going on roughly $10 in late fees. What is wrong with me??? Am I lazy? Yes probably. Am I forgetting to return it?? Yes- that too! Now as it is quite convenient to get a movie from red box-- red box is making a freaking mint off of late fee returns. Where as when I rent from blockbuster + return a movie a month later-- they may charge my account but once the movie is returned they return the charge.

So for me who doesn't return movies the next day (like normal people) red box is not for me!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Sunday I pick up Jucie!!!!

What a stud!

Monday, April 20, 2009

all-in-one Update!

Relaxing… finally!!! Oh my feet hurt. As Tasha would say, “My dogs are barking!”
They are howling. Like I mentioned in my previous blog this last weekend was a blur.
Saturday morning was hardly spent practicing for the wedding shoot because I was a ball of nerves. Plus I spent an hour driving around looking for a memory card that would compute with my camera. Mission accomplished but I wasn’t able to gather my thoughts + creative ideas in the morning. However, the wedding shoot was a long adventurous success!!! I look forward to another this coming weekend. You can check out shots on (ps. I don't have any up yet...)

Sunday was spent relaxing. As some of you would have wished that Chris + I would have attended church we did skip again and had breakfast at Panera Bread. In the afternoon, we spent the day painting. We got a lot of painting finished + the walls are ready for their second coat. It looks so niiiiiiice!

Tonight I was on RETURN DUTY! That means I have to return all the items that didn’t work out for our house. I hate that duty. It’s such a mindless irritating duty. That’s probably why I have had these items for over a week sitting in my car and haven’t returned them. Ops!

Chris is out at writers night with “the boyz” tonight. I sit at caribou going through wedding photos and blogging. Fun stuff man!

I owe you all a few baby shower pictures (just a few) from my sister's little party in Indiana.
So fun!

Baby is coming VERY SOON!!!!

On a side note Mr. Orange is making new friends with the neighbors.


Sneek peek on remodeling progress


last but not least my first flower!!!! So excited about that.

What is it about them?

Why are they so delicious?
No matter the time of day they taste so good. I brought my lunch to work today but I have fries on the brain + need to taste the salty delight! I guess you could say they are my choice of drug. (???) My Uncle Dan told me that they have sugar in the salt and that's why they are addicting. Well high five to McDonald on that one!
Less than 5 mins I will devour the french fries.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Won't you be my neighbor?

During FFN Dinner our next door neighbors were outside sitting on their front door step. Chris leans into to me + says, " should we go over there + say hello?". I come up with some lame-o excuse that I had some gross clotheS on + didn't want to go over. So we don't go. But then after wrapping up FFN dinner I took the garage out + happen to see my neighbor across the street and she smiled + said hello. I responded with the same gesture. It was a break through in getting to "know" our neighbors.

Would you say its our responsibility as the new neighbors to say hello to our neighbors (ie... Go around with the traditional cookie + introduce ourselves) or do we wait for our neighbors to come to us ?
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FPN... it's Friday PAINTING Night !!!
and yes... Chris + I paint like the people in this picture. Doesn't everyone?
It's more efficient

Hope ya'll have a lovely weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Not a good day… gotta do this… gotta do that… not enough time…need more hands….HELP!

My weekend is gone before it has even started. I hate hate hate when that happens. Sorry I’m really passionate about my weekends. I just really enjoy my time off when I’m able to get it. Friday night (FFN) we have a play, Saturday my morning is free but not mentally. I will be spending the morning shooting prior to the wedding I’m helping out with in the afternoon into the evening. Part of me isn’t completely thrilled about it because I don’t feel prepared with the equipment I have (ie lens). I haven’t been shooting much either. Naughty me. Then Sunday so far is free but will probably be spent painting or some sort of house repair. I shouldn’t be complaining. I should be thankful and I really am. I’m just really tired today and need a vacation. OH the word vacation makes me smile!

Well I have a hour left at work I should probably do something. ;)

yummy pics!

These make me smile all day!

(random pictures...not mine)

courtesy blog.

Well....I've been gone for awhile. Taking a break if you want to call it that. My sister's baby shower was 2 weeks ago in Indiana, we bought a house and moved and have been consumed with painting, sanding, painting, fixing, painting blah blah blah...... Fun!?!?! On top of that we had internet until 2 days ago when our neighbor decided to get rid of their wireless and put a password on it. Shoot! We were so enjoying free internet!!! I just haven't had time to blog. So where am I blogging now??? Work! Boss man is gone for the morning.

I have many pictures that need to be posted and many blogs to be written. Hold on to your panties, they are coming!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mr. Juice man...

Mr. Juice man is getting very big. Here is a little picture update.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

dream chairs...

We picked up our dinning room chairs last night. I'm not really proud of where we got them ("PIER ONE") but needless to say I LOVE THEM. They have that rustic old barn feel that makes me smile everytime I see them. The picture shows them as being espresso colored but we picked out red chairs. It's so awesome. So come on over to give them a try. You won't be disappointed!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back + Forth

Facebook... A cult world of networking.

I've been preaching on how facebook is a world of gossip since you are able read the conversations between people and thus the reason I deleted my account last summer. Instead I started up my blog where its only my world + my thoughts.

I got thinking the other day that if I went back to facebook I would only add the people who are family + good friends that I can't keep in contact with everyday. Not these long lost friends from high school that don't mean a hill of beans to me + just want to get the scoop on my life anyways. It like attending your high reunion all over (which I didn't attend). So with that being said, I have joined the facebook world again. Don't be offend if I don't add you as "my friend". Its nothing personal. I probably see you everyday + don't need to communicate with you via facebook. We'll see how it goes + if I don't delete the account in a few weeks.

Cheers to facebook
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday blues.

Bad day.

Long story short... our mortgage lady had dropped the ball and the appraisal was just done yesterday. Can you believe it? We put an offer on the house a month ago. Needless to say, the appraisal came back with a few needed updates to the house. Before the complete approval can happen for the FHA loan these updates need to happen ( a few outlets need to be grounded). Unreal. I'm so frustrated I could scream. We're hoping for a miracle to close tomorrow otherwise Friday + I will have to give Chris Power of Attorney to sign for me since I will be leaving to Indiana Friday morning. Grrrrrr....

I know it's not a huge deal because we will move. It's just that Chris + I are excited to move. Plus it messes with our schedule + the moving truck. I should just plan for Monday so I stop beating myself up about it.

This call for McDonald's!