Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's time.

Okay ladies it's time to unite and help a fellow lady out. Here is your time to shine!

I confess that I am no special delight in the kitchen. It blows my mind the women out there that work 8 hours, cook, clean, take care of the kiddos and love on their husbands (yes I said it!). How do you do it??? I first and foremost need help in the kitchen. I need recipes for dinners. Also what is your secret to making then EVERY NIGHT? Do you prepare the night before? Or do you grin and bare it?

Here are the dinners I currently make (or pop in the oven). Prepare yourself because they are SCARY and I am no Rachel Ray.

-Frozen Pizza
-Baked Chicken (no season-- gross I know. well sometimes I use season...Italian bread crumbs) with veggie + maybe potato if we have it. I'm not really a fan of eating potatoes all the time.
-Spaghetti w/bread + maybe broccoli.
-Grilled Pork Chop
-Egg + Cheese sandwiches w/bacon (maybe)

...and the vicious cycle continues

Can I bake a meal? Yes! Can I cook a meal? Not really, unless it's a recipe.

Help ladies, help!!!!


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