Monday, October 27, 2008

photoshop fun...

on a lighter note.... (since the blogs have been pretty heavy these days)

I would like to share my photoshop fun with you. Today I implimented my knowledge from my father in law on how to
move objects from photo to photo.

A little background on the picture itself. This was when Chris and I went out for our Anniversary. There was no one around so we decided that we'd just photoshop us together. It worked!

Meditation (continued...)

After submiting last nights blog my Mom sent me this great verse that went perfectly with how I want to feel or at least was encouraging. Thanks, Mom!

I Timothy 6:6-10
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

So true!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Tonight I was looking back on the several blogs I have written over the last three months. Part of it them were emotional to read because a big part of it was when we were in Nashville. Hard to believe it's been one month since we've been back. I miss it there.

I remember a blog that I posted about how I find that when Chris and I are financially secure we tend to not bring our concerns to God as much. I'm finding myself slacking a little these days. Like being at home/ Minnesota brings me back to a place of security and I slacking on being secure in Christ. Plus now that Chris has a job that will bring in money it gives me a sense of peace.

It's amazing when you are hundreds of miles away from family and financially broke how reliant you become on God. There is no where else you can turn. Sometimes I wondering if I was happier broke. I say that because I was into the word so much more. Praying so much more. Learning about him. It's like money is evil-- ha ha. Maybe I should just pretend I have none. AND... it's amazing how when you have money you have all these items you suddenly have to purchase. WHAT? How did that happen??? Two weeks ago you didn't or couldn't purchace anything and that was just totally okay. Today you have to have everything.

Anyways... this blog turned into venting. I'll have to continue this blog another day.

... to be continued

Hoe-down 2008

It's that time of year.... Hoe-down 2008!!!!! Out of my in-laws garage last night there were people dancing everywhere, food everywhere, kids everywhere and Roxie the dog was everywhere! It was a good time had by all.

my Indian dance for the fire to start!

hot dog!

Grandma was having a fantastic night!

no really-- they are dancing!

the "caller" for the Hoe-down! He was really good.

***caution their is hot dog in Sara's mouth***

what a great hostess she was

typical Whitney face.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reba & Kelly

Last night Chris and I were invited by our friend from Nashville, Jeff King to the Reba and Kelly Clarkson concert. Compliments to Jeff for getting us backstage passes as well. It was great!

Lets just say that Kelly is a very nice person, down to earth kind of gal. Reba is perfect in everyway-she looks the same. But then again... this is what I could observe in a low dimmed candle lite dinning room.

The progression of the pictures are a little backwards. So bare with me on that.
There are a lot. ENJOY!

we squeezed Dave and Elizabeth into the concert.


guitar tech area. underneath the stage

backstage guys dressing room

Reba's tour bus

Jeff's pedal board... this one is for al you guitar pedal junkies

Jeff's guitar's

our friend Jeff King- as he would say, "Guitar player to the stars!"

Thursday, October 23, 2008


This is what a Furst 3 year Anniversary looks like.

1. Breakfast
2. House hunting
3. Pizza in Stillwater
4. Coffee
5. Watch a movie

Awesome. The pictures are to exciting for words... not!

Monday, October 20, 2008


October 20th the day before mine and Chris' 3rd year Anniversary. WOW! It's the year society has marked as the year "you should now have children". But we are going to go against society (as we always have done) and not have children for a couple more years. We're going to do the whole savings and purchasing a house thing. Not to mention finishing school. Chris will most likely finish at Northwestern College (Communications) and I will finish at Academy of Art University-online (Photography).

Oh oh Update!!! For those who haven't gotten the memo, Chris landed a killer job at Prometric; Recruit Placement Manager. Should he pass his drug test (pretty promising) he'll start around Thursday this week. It has taken a HUGE weight off of our shoulders. I am still looking for work but like I said the pressure is off. Thanks again to all family and friends that have been praying for us.

What else... my sister Natasha and her husband Quentin are expecting their first child in May!!! We are so very excited for them. Haven't found out the sex of the baby yet. I'll keep you posted. Chris and I are mostly happy because the pressure is once again off of us to have children. ha ha!

All you frequent blog readers that don't post comments you might remember me posting about how I want a Boston Terrier. Well there are 6-week old Boston's for sale in River Falls, WI. AH!!!! I totally want one. But since we are staying at my in-laws we can't really start our farm of animals in their house. I guess I'll have to pass on this batch for now. Grrr!

Randomness. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brewberry's Neighborhood's Coffee Shop

We switched things up a little and went to a coffee shop we often saw in Saint Paul but never stopped in. Brewberry's Coffee Shop. The atmosphere was that cafe/ice cream parlor vibe. It was cool. However, the table that Chris and I sat at was totally off balance. We had to synchronize our movements so our drinks wouldn't spill. Made for a fun time. The location of the coffee shop was on a competitive corner. Caribou put up their shop right across the street from them. But since Brewberry's was here first I think the community is still loyal to them and come here instead.

a geographic area in which people reside and who show each other kindness, respect, friendship, assistance and support.

Monday, October 13, 2008

a post a day

Some of you might have checked out my photography blog. I haven't given it much attention lately. In order to challenge my photography I am going to post
"a picture a day" blog (I'll try). Some might be stupid,some might be great. If you appreciate the arts come check it out.

Thanks everyone.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting there...

Today I am really missing Nashville. Especially when you call your sister up and she's going fishing and it's 80 degrees outside and I am wearing a jacket and scarf in Minnesota. That's when I break. I probably don't miss the weather as much as I just miss the whole southern culture in Nashville. I can't even describe it to you. You have to experience it for yourself. If you've never been to Nashville do yourself a favor and take a trip. There is nothing like an evening downtown listening to some great music, Mike's ice cream and taking in the sites. It was just awesome.

I am struggling with enjoying/appreciating Minnesota. I will say that there is nothing like Minnesota Fall trees. Breath taking. Now that is beautiful!!! I'll have to get out this weekend and take some photo before they all blow away. Project!

At the same time I don't want to be that person that talks about where they use to live and wishing they were there when they clearly live in Minnesota now. With that, I am trying to appreciate Minnesota for what it is. How can I enjoy Minnesota to it's fullest??? That I am still figuring out.

For now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bad coffee

This morning/ into the afternoon I am grounded to a coffee shop doing my homework. Well right now I'm blogging and then I'll do my homework. What I was frustrated about and had to write about is that I'm at Caribou coffee (attempted to go to Dunn Bros as my first choice but they didn't have outlets). I ordered my usually fat drink; small mocha no whip. I took my first drink and it tasted just awesful. I hate that. It's only happened to me one other time (at caribou) and I asked them to change it. But I feel so bad asking them to remake my drink. Chris says, "It's your money. Tell them to remake it."

Okay... here I go. AH!!!!! I hate this....(one second....)

Ha I asked her. She was really nice about it but made up an excuse that sometimes when you let it sit the chocolate seperates. Or maybe lady you just made it wrong. Or maybe your coffee just sucks.

(drink, drink) Aw, much better!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

been awhile..

It's been a few days since I've blogged. Which is a lot for me considering I blogged pretty much everyday in Nashville. With family and friends around all the time we find that we have someone to fill our time with more. Which is a good thing too.

We are slowing getting our boxes unpacked and things put away. I'm making it a goal for this week to finalize that project. Chris has a convention he's playing at all week so my other goal is to start working on my correspondence classes that I've neglected for the passed 2 months. I want to attend Academy of Art University online but I really need to finish these classes before that happens next semester. So tomorrow I get cracking!!!

I'll also try to be get more creative with blogging because it's a lot of fun for me to sit down and write.

I'm off to bed~night!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Halloween Costume

We... okay I got Mr. Orange a little Halloween Costume. Needless to say he does not like it. Bummer, it looks so cute on him.
It was priceless to watch him squirm trying to get it off his head. It was terribly difficult to snap a picture because he kept darting around the room when the camera beeped. Wait no longer.... here is his costume.