What inspired this? I'd have to say that it’s been on my mind for a long time to venture down this avenue but never “had time” or even more so never “made time” for this challenge. There are times when I come off as being a very secure person but inside I am as insecure as can be. You'd never know. Growing up I was made fun of a lot for being fat or chunky and that stuck with me even going into High School. I made sure that everything was perfect to the point of obsessing with lots of make up. That was my mask and I hid behind it well. I’m at a point in my life where I’m tire of hiding behind “this mask” I have created and ready to be honest and open with people. Like Chris would say, “you are a different person with your make up on and with your make up off. I like the Whitney that has her make up off.” So here I go. Take it or leave it!
I want to take the emphasis on “how I look” and emphasis on more on “how my heart looks” and to be beautiful in God's image.
Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
To some people, wearing no make up isn’t a huge deal. For me I don’t necessarily see something beautiful when I look in the mirror. But… with time I will. I’d appreciate all your prayers and support as I learn + growing.
ps. I'm already on day 4 and it's going great. More day to day blogs to follow.