Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Small Group...

Chris and I joined a small group at our new church MIDTOWN FELLOWSHIP. It's actually a financial planning class structured by Crown College. Apparently it's a pretty popular class taught in a lot of churches. I found it ironic though that we had to pay $55 for books and materials. "HELLO- everyone in the class is broke. That's why we are here...."

Anyways... I just had to vent for a moment. So far (two weeks) the class has been really enjoyable. I have never been apart of group where no on in the group wasn't from Assemblies of God background. Not that AG is bad but it has been good to get a different perspective. Everyone is very encouraging. I think they are still trying to figure out our crazy humor. They're not sure whether to laugh or not. Oh well... it's comical for us.

All in all we are slowly making friends in the class. It's a start.


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