Sunday, August 31, 2008

Good ol' days

I apologize off the bat to Sara and Amy. I just couldn't help myself. Check this out... I was going through pictures that I had that my Mom gave me for my wedding reception powerpoint; which never did get finished. Anyways-- this is what I found. I hope you were able to have a nice laugh as I did.

I also came across this grand photo too of Sara, Amy, Ashley and I. I can remember exactly where this was too, CERA Park. We were so cool back then. I miss those days (sometimes!!!)

Sunday evening coming to an end

Tonight was uneventful. Chris you tubed; plain crashed, shark bites, tidal waves, you name it. I finished up a few friendly cards to friends and family and was debating on indulging in ice cream. I gave into a chocolate chip cookie instead.

We don't have small group class tonight which I thought we did. So now Chris and I will be eating all of the cookies. Pray that we don't gain an ounce.

Organizing Sunday

Today I spend the majority of the day in the back room filing through old pictures, cards, and journals. It was especially comical reading my journals from college. I won't bore you with the details. But lets just say- I have changed a lot. ha ha.

It's so hard to know what to do with all these great memories. If I put them in photo albums I'd have over 100 albums on the shelf. Do people do that? We'll see. If you have any ideas of creative ways to store a lot of pictures and not time consuming please tell me.

I left my project a mess and I hope to finish cleaning it up on Tuesday because tomorrow is beach day!

Grape Lady on You-tube

I don't know if any of you have seen the video of the grapge lady that went horribly wrong but do yourself a favor and watch it. It'll give you a nice laugh.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

batch o'cookies

I think I had more batter than cookies. I'm so sick to my stomach. That's the problem with making cookies for two. You eat way to many. I think I'll take some to small group on Monday... if there are any left.

Friday Fun Night!!!

Lots to blogging from this week/weekend. I'll start with Friday morning/afternoon. We started eating lunch; brat which turned into watching tornado you-tube clips which turned into watching fainting goat clips, which turned into watching train accident you-tube clips. This all took about a good hour. I tell you what, once you start watching you-tube clips you keep going. It's amazing how much time you can end up wasting.

Finally, we managed to get out the door and enjoyed some great Mexican food. (no pictures shown below--sorry) Afterwards, we enjoyed a lovely evening walking through Centennial Park. It is really gorgeous there. They have miles of romantic walking trails with small ponds that people are fishing at and willow trees swooping into the pond. All the pond needed were several white swans swimming around a wooden canoe. It would be THE NOTEBOOK like. Back to reality. Then in the back of the park was this museum with blasted high beam light glowing on it. It's breath taking at night. Oh and Chris decided to take a short cut through the grass where I stepped in goose poop. It was just grand I tell you what.

After we cleaned off my sandal and foot(since the poop was wedged between my toes) we went around the back of the museum where the blasted high beam lights were. Chris thought it would be really cool of us (obviously I thought so too since I went along with him) to go really close up to the lights and take our picture by it. As you walk up to these lights if you even look towards their direction you will instantly go completely blind. It was wildly funny.

What a day!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A new day

Today was a pool and coffee day. The weather has been pretty rainy the last few days so I haven't layed out at the pool for some time. I know, boo-hoo!

I have started on a running/walking program. I'd figure I'd tell everyone so they can keep me accountable. I haven't gone for three days and I don't want that to turn into more than that. I went to the library to check out some upbeat CD's so I can keep the momentum. All I could find was Toby Mac's CD. Ha-ha I also have an itunes gift card I haven't used. They have exercise workout music on itunes. It's pretty sweet.

Anyways-- I probably bored you with all that information. I better get out of the sun before I melt.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Prayer request

Please pray for my Aunt Jeri May. She was diagnosed with Cellulites. It's a blood infection. She's been in the hospital for 7 days and was rushed to Marshfield Hospital today for a specialist to look at her tomorrow. Please pray for a solution.
I don't know a lot of details but I have been told that this is very serious.

Thank you~

Salsa night

This Mexican Restaurant is mine and Chris' FAVORITE!!! Las Palmas. Best Steak Fajatas, Best salsa, Best cheese dip.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.....


This picture might be a little disturbing to most people. We were shocked by the sight so much that we had to take a picture of it. Yes-- this is a picture of OUR apartment complex's garbage dump. This is actually the worst it's ever been. The next morning it was completely picked up. I feel sorry for the person that had to help out with that task.

We had thoughts of threatening management for free rent. Turns out it was just a thought.

****Attention Readers!!!

I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying the blog. I appreciate the many compliments that I have received from ya'll. I do thoroughly enjoy writing and posting pictures of our adventures on here. It's been almost therapeutic for me. So thank you for taking the time to read it.

We love to read everyones comments (thanks Mom Hewuse). So keep the comments coming. It gives us something to read.

~We love ya'll

Sunday, August 24, 2008


After church today Chris and I got into the car and there on the side of Chris' seat was a nickle sized SPIDER. I yelled out, "DON'T MOVE, DON'T MOVE!!!" Chris immediately FREAKS (I was freaked too). His hands are waving in the air, his glasses fly off of his face, and the spider is crawling really fast on the back of the seat. We very quickly evacuate the car and at the same time are wondering how long has this spider been in our car?

Anyways... long story short the spider made it's way to the back seat of the car and Chris trapped it in a cup and killed it. We're just glad that we saw the spider while we were parked and not on the highway.

Hope that made you smile for today.

Sunday morning Sermon

Every Sunday at Midtown Fellowship the pastor has just an awesome sermon. Again this morning we were able to take away something really uplifting for us.

Often we focus our situation (our whale) around ourself and we start to feel sorry for ourself. What we don't realize is that God sees the bigger picture. He is designing our life. When we look back in our life we see how God has had his hand in our life's journey guide our path the whole time yet we doubt his presense and guidance with use today. In 2-3 years into the future we'll again look back on today's situation and see how God's hand was in it all.

Matthew 6:30-34
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wilson County Fair

The fair festivities in Nashville are a little different. We thought the big state fair was the Tennessee State Fair. Wrong. The big fairs are the county fairs and the big county fair is Wilson County Fair. We found this out yesterday from a guy in our small group. I resourced quickly to the web and the last night for the fair is tonight. We changed our plans and went.

How would one describe the Wilson County Fair. Hmmmmm? Dirty, dusty, boot stompin' fun! There was a fresh lemonade stand every other booth, sweet tea, corn dogs, grilled BBQ Bologna, and popsicles for $1.00. Tonight the featured event was for demolition derby. And Yes, we did stop and watch a heat. It was awesome!

We did however miss Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip Cookies, Roasted Corn, and cheese curds. None of these traditional foods were sold at the Wilson Country Fair. If anyone would like to send us a care package with these items that was be incredible.

A story behind the hill billy fiddle band pictured below. You will see that there is one strange fella smirking at the camera. He saw that I was getting ready to take a picture and he looked over and gave me this creepy smile. Mind you-- he wasn't smiling before I took the picture. Eww!

Okay enough waiting. Here are the pictures.

check out this crowd for the demolition derby. amazing!

Friday, August 22, 2008


This evening we decided to go light and enjoy some TCBY. This Country's Best Yogurt!!! Don't worry it was 98% Fat Free. And I only ate about 98% of it so that means mine was 100% Fat Free. Cheating the system.

Union Stations

This is a picture of this awesome train station downtown Nashville. I took this picture form inside the car as we drove by. It turned out pretty decent.

It's an Orange Day

Okay so I was alittle bored and so I had a private photo shoot with Mr. Orange. These are the never before seen photos.

It's nap time for Orange

He is so precious when he sleeps I have to share it with everyone.

So cute...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grocery Store Sampler

We went grocery shopping at Krogers this morning and it was SAMPLER DAY!!!!YEAH!
They have this fantastic chocolate chip cookies. Their not as good as mine (toot toot) but their good. But they also had these no-bake cookies that reminded me of Mama Furst. If you don't know the story behind no-bake cookies and Mama Furst you'll have to ask her about them next time you see her.

Excuse the picture of me. I just got finished exercising.

Pajama Program

If you were watching Oprah yesterday the founder of The Pajama Program was on there. It's an incredible program of donating pajama's to orphan's. Please check it out for more information. It's awesome!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grill out @ the Leahigh's

Last night we had a very nice grill out at my sister and brother-in-law's place. It was really nice to just hang out outside swing in the hamock and enjoy each other's company. Quentin really likes to "play" with his toys so he let Chris ride on his dirt bike and later took him out on the PROWLER. The prowler is a truck that Quentin takes back in the woods and drives up and down steep hills and also down in the creeks. It's wild.

Wish we lived even closer than 3.5 hours.