Saturday, July 31, 2010


sorry folks! I'm moving this blog again to a more place where I actually might blog again!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 6.

It's been a pretty good day. I'm finding that I'm quickly excepting of the no make up idea. I've noticed that my skin is actually looking smoother and clear and not oily and shinny. There have been ladies that have said, "Why on earth would you torture yourself and wear no make up and be insecure?" I don't see it as torture but growing. I'm finding that I'm not so insecure as I thought I would be. I might be shy about it at first but I really have been okay with it. I have been hiding for so long that it's been refreshing in a way. Thanks to all who have been so encouraging with your kind words. I appreciate it.

My Mom shared with me a lovely verse this morning that I'd like to share with you. It was very encouraging to read because I want to be a person with gentle and quite spirit that is precious in the sight of God.

1Peter 3:3-5

"Your adornment must not be merely external--braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. "

Monday, July 20, 2009

30 days.


What inspired this? I'd have to say that it’s been on my mind for a long time to venture down this avenue but never “had time” or even more so never “made time” for this challenge. There are times when I come off as being a very secure person but inside I am as insecure as can be. You'd never know. Growing up I was made fun of a lot for being fat or chunky and that stuck with me even going into High School. I made sure that everything was perfect to the point of obsessing with lots of make up. That was my mask and I hid behind it well. I’m at a point in my life where I’m tire of hiding behind “this mask” I have created and ready to be honest and open with people. Like Chris would say, “you are a different person with your make up on and with your make up off. I like the Whitney that has her make up off.” So here I go. Take it or leave it!

I want to take the emphasis on “how I look” and emphasis on more on “how my heart looks” and to be beautiful in God's image.

Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

To some people, wearing no make up isn’t a huge deal. For me I don’t necessarily see something beautiful when I look in the mirror. But… with time I will. I’d appreciate all your prayers and support as I learn + growing.


ps. I'm already on day 4 and it's going great. More day to day blogs to follow.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

To Mine

There is a person in my life that deserves overdue acknowledgment. I wanted to shout it from a mountain but my blog is the next best thing so here it goes.

He is my little blessing that God has so graciously aloud me to enjoy. He encourages me with his gentle words and calm demeanor. His perspective thinking is like none other and from that he has helped me to grow as a more diverse woman. His creative abilities as a musician is nuts. I know you all don't hear what I hear but he is SO good on the guitar. He would say otherwise but don't let him convince you of that;) His stamina to practice EVERYDAY is very impressive. I don't even exercise everyday. Let alone walk the dog. He is passionate + determined!!!!! He learns quickly and works hard. He opens up with everything he has and loves with all he's got. He's a friend you can count on + a brother who will pray for you. He is my husband and I am proud to call him mine.

I love you babo
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't hate.

I know I know... I haven't blogged in such a long time. While I did post the other day but that was just photos. I suppose I'm going to loose my readers if I don't post something interesting soon. Don't leave me.

I have been non-stop busy bee. When you have a house under daily construction, a dog that is interested in everything, a cat that is a loner, housework that needs to be done and not to mention photos to be taken and edited there isn't much time to take just to blog about the madness.

This weekend is again busy busy busy... FFN consists of getting my hair cut + color (HALLELUJAH!!!) while Chris is off on the boat with is brother cruising it up on the lake. So fun! After my hair appt I need to rush like mad and get things done because tomorrow because a very special boy has a very special GOLDEN birthday!!!! (...Chris) Hopefully he'll stay out real late tonight so I can get errands ran.

Sunday I have an over due photo shoot for my profile on my blog. The coffee cup shot just isn't cutting it anymore. LAMO! I'm pretty excited about that. Stay tuned for the awesome results!

That's my weekend so I'm out! Have a lovely weekend yourself.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Furst Canoe Trip

What a grand ol' canoe trip we had. We canoed down the St. Croix taking us about 3 hours. My choice of sun tan lotion was "the water" and boy oh boy I was excited to get my tan on!!!! That I did. Three hours later I was looking mighty crispy! I can't wait for it to turn to tan.

Here are a few pictures from our adventures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

the kids.

Enough said.

They are the cutest- most craziest pair.

Love them!