Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sweet Saturday.

Saturday morning was a chill morning. I watched tv with orange + Chris played guitar (the usual). Then we headed out to Caribou to surf the internet + read a book. We wanted to check out the Caribou by our new house. Ya know... get a feel for our new neighborhood! We get our drinks + settle in. By the way, don't fall for the large drink $1 bakery special they have going on. You save like 60cents + you get more calories. Stupid! Anyways... Chris gets the computer out and hooks up to the internet but quickly finds that their internet was down. BUMMER!!!

We enjoyed each other's company for awhile + then darted off to Babies R US for a baby gift for my sister. Babies R US is a crazy place. Women get to know each other there because they frequent the place so often. Weird!

I accomplished cleaning my car. This was much needed as I haven't cleaned it since last summer. Well... okay it wasn't that bad. Chris + I are just annal about keeping our cars clean. I have heard that the way you keep your car is an example of your personality + the way you keep your house. What does your car look like???

Dinner: Grilled Pork Chops, Beans + Potatoes.
Entertainment: Movie "Taken"

We skipped FFN movie night as we had a better offer from friends (brother + sister in law) to eat at Outback Steak House. We couldn't resist.

Have a great night ya'll!!!


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